Many issues you may encounter on hi5 can be traced to a web browser incompatibility or outdated software installed on your system, most notably Adobe's Flash player.
If you are encountering any display issues or problems with a particular feature on hi5, a good first step is to try using a different web browser. Make sure you have recently cleared your browser cache, and ensure you have an updated version of Adobe Flash installed on your system.
Complete installation instructions for Flash can be found towards the bottom of this FAQ.
There are a number of known issues surrounding Microsoft's Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) and Flash Content. We suggest using a different browser than IE for best performance.
Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome are some good examples.
1. Disable Background applications in Windows
As a general rule when having a problem, please be sure to disable any applications running in the background, these applications may slow performance on hi5 or cause other issues. The more things going on or running in the background on your computer, the greater the chance for a conflict or problem.
To temporarily disable background applications in Windows:
2. Clear your browser’s cache.
hi5 games use Javascript which helps in game performance.
If you notice that your game is having difficulties loading or responding slowly to your actions it may be because your system cache is full (the cache is where your computer stores information needed to display websites).
Internet Explorer:
Mozilla Firefox:
Google Chrome:
3. Disabling Popup or Ad-blocking software
Such as Ad-Block for Firefox. Software of this nature actively monitors Javascript and has been found to have a negative performance impact on hi5 games which rely heavily upon Javascript.
4. Reduce the number of open internet applications
If you are running programs in the back of your browser please be sure to close them out. This will better your hi5 experience.
5. Flash Settings
Please set Adobe Manager settings to (Allow third-party Flash content to store data on your computer) or (Allow sites to save information on this computer). If this option is un-checked hi5 games may have difficulty loading correctly.
More detailed instructions can be found on Adobe's web site.
6. Verify that Javascript is enabled
If you are experiencing difficulties loading hi5 games or using features within our games, you may need to verify that your current internet browser has Javascript enabled.
Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
7. Plug In
Even the best of wireless connections will be slightly more susceptible to miscommunicating with our servers. If you are playing wirelessly please plug in if possible and see if you see a performance increase.
8. Uninstall/Reinstall Adobe Flash Player
Adobe's Flash is essential to certain games and other features on hi5. An outdated version or a damaged or corrupted installation of Flash can lead to numerous issues. Follow the instructions on Adobe's web site for the correct removal and installation of Flash.
Download and install: Adobe Flash Player
9. Uninstall/Reinstall Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is a common component in internet browsing as well as playing games. However, when the JRE updates it does not always remove older components.
Over time this can have an effect on your systems performance and ability to load games or other web pages.
It is good practice and good for your system to clean up after the JRE from time to time by uninstalling and reinstalling the application.